This delicious kumquat marmalade with figs and rose-water is perfect for a sweet start of Spring. It is easy to make, and goes perfectly as a topping on my marmalade or jam filled shortbread.
This was the first time I ever bought kumquats. I didn’t even know what they were before I came across them in a corner shop. I googled them an found a lot of marmalade recipes. Then I remembered that citruses go so well with figs, which were sharing the same store shelf as the kumquats, and thus I got some as well. Later on I put the ingredients together using the help of my flavour thesaurus and my own creativity. It turned out really tasty!
As a tip, it is important that the figs are ripe and flavoursome, or else they will not add much to the jam!
Cooking time: 20 min preparation, 2h15min cooking
(for 2x300g jars)
300g kumquat fruits
5 figs
1 cup rose water
2 cups of water
2 star anise
1/3 tsp chilli powder

Cut the fruits in quarters. Make sure to remove the seeds from the kumquats, and do not remove their skin!
Add the fruits, the star anise, water, rose water and chilli powder to a pot. Bring to boil and leave on medium temperature with a lid for 15-20 minutes until the fruits are soft.
Remove the lid and turn the heat down to low. Boil for 2 hours. To test the consistency of your jam, you can take a small spoon and let it cool for a couple of minutes, until it hardens.
Store your hot jam in jars and leave them in a cool place. Don’t forget to sterilise and seal your jars!
Love, happyholism and nom-nom,